Elon Musk fired me because he said there were too many emojis in my code! 😤 #twitterlayoffs

November 6, 2022

I have perfected latte art. Please check out my latest piece, "Pineapple Slice".

The Weird Al movie finally came out yesterday!! I stole my mom's Roku last month to prepare for it. She texted me yesterday morning asking me if the Roku worked and I forgot by the time I got out of bed until Ryan reminded me too late last night. I made sure we watched it tonight!! I enjoyed it! It was very much like Walk Hard, but the jokes weren't as perfected. There was one joke I highly disliked at the end but overall it was entertaining and I laughed a lot.

The stamping mood is here! And I made a lil woodstock! I wasn't sure how the linework would go but it went okay. My mom is a big stamp fan and has more than a lifetime's worth of card making supplies. I feel like I just beat her at her own game by MAKING stamps instead of just using them. She's trying to get me into glorified adult coloring too and that is not going well. I made a stupid gnome stamp to give to my her. I'm so tired of gnomes but she'll be happy to get it.

Through the fire and flames (or wind and hail), I made it to the thrift store.