VIP (Very Interesting People)
My little hall of fame.
- oooperaa - I can't stop thinking about Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. I am obsessed!!! I look forward to wedding photos every September 9th.
- Glace Leau - She's shelled 2 of her gay criminal OCs, Tennant and Daniel, with custom heads and partially custom bodies. It's really wild. What will Glace Leau come up with next?! I can't wait to find out.
- kotonokazu - ホモォ・・・┌(┌^o^)┐
- kakuso - A very strange and skilled
fujoshi doll maker and customizer. She has become too powerful for this Earth. Very NSFW
- Kinoko Juice Kame and Codi - Check out Kame's feed for photos of Komugi the pug. Check out Codi's for KJ doll progress.
- hiritai - Her dolls were insanely influential on my taste when I started collecting. Old dA: oki-oki
- zucchini - This is my alternate website for my other set of dolls.
Doll buddies
An extra shout out to everyone who wants to talk dolls with me!
BJD forums
- Den of Angels - The BEST english resource for anything BJD. Use the search feature for best results. Many users will be polite to you even if you're stupid and need to lurk moar.
- Doll Dreaming - The major vinyl BJD English forum. Much more relaxed and disorganized than DoA. Watch out for adult men who call their big titty girls their "daughters".
- Material Celeste - French language forum. You'll have to tell me if it's any good.
- BJDClub - Russian language forum.
- 5chan's /doll/ - Japanese text board.
- 4chan's /toy/ - Resin based doll thread. Often plagued with recast discussion that destroys the thread.
- 4chan's /jp/ - primarily vinyl BJDs. Too Many Horny Men.
-'s /doll/ - a very quiet imageboard. too many horny men for me. it feels very much like /jp/'s doll thread and there is definitely overlap between users.
- Chinese Baidu Tieba BJD - Chinese forum for BJD discussion.
- BJD Complaints - Chinese Baidu Tieba forum dedicated to bitching about dolls.
- Dollieh Sanctuary - Not limited to BJD, but plenty of BJD are here.
- Den of Angels (yahoo group, archived) - Here are the humble beginnings of our favorite doll forum. It was established May 2, 2002 and used until the introduction of the forum in August 15, 2004.
- DollFun - Scripple's up and coming dollfoto sharing platform.
BJD owners on Neocities
Other doll owners on Neocities
Unofficial BJD Reference Sites
- Tenshi no Kichi - Volks. Covers a lot of topics! Events, pages for each doll sculpt with info on one-off models released. A bit of info on FCS, not really any photos though. Good place to waste time looking at the limited doll you want!
- ningyoBINGO's Neo Angel Den - Volks. English FCS guide. Based off of Angel Den with updated information. Lots of photos so you can dream about going to Japan and ordering an FCS doll.
- Angel Den - Volks. The original FCS guide in English. Also has an area for every standard and limited model doll. Stopped being updated in Sep 2012. No photos anymore. Thanks for your hard work seraphim! If you need an icon for your DoA signature, she's got you covered.
- Cerberus Project BJD Database - CP. Database of dolls created by early BJD sculptors that would eventually become Fairyland. I wish you luck in creating your own personal El army.
- BJD Genderless Elfs - Compiled by MiKiL. Last updated 2011.
- Modern Asian Ball Jointed Dolls (archived) - List of all currently available BJDs. Last updated January 2008.
- SuperDollfie Wiki - Japanese SD Wiki
English websites
many of these have been lost to time! Most went with the larger banner style instead of buttons.
- Val's World - Written by a doll collector who passed away in 2020.
- Mother of Changes - Tons of photos!
- Familiar Resin Faces - Noriko owns a lot of classic BJD faces, including unoss! She has profiles for her dolls and a small gallery. Last updated 2007.
- Sakura Tea Room - Mostly a Dollfie site, but she has 8 Super Dollfie too! She paints and sews for her dolls. Last updated 2005.
- Mana's Menagerie - Insane number of clown themed dolls.
- Romantic Rococo Days - A Rococo themed doll family.
- Child of Glass - Very extended family of doll occupying a few worlds. There's a few dolly galleries and photostories. Last updated 2015.
- BJD Stories - Scripple's collection of photostories containing both vinyl and resin dolls.
- NetFossil - Jim owns an Anais and F29.
English Blogs

Vega's blog. Three angels from Dollstown and Crobi are documented here. Lots of sewing projects and photography. Certified Dollstown Lover.
- BJD Life - Asenva's blog. She makes a lot of Youtube videos. She's always upbeat and mature and I can really appreciate that!
- Jadepixel Doll Lab - American faceup artist, seamstress, photographer. Mostly vinyl BJD. She also sells DD eyes.
- Orchid dolls - Blog of a Spanish DD collector. She posts photography tips in English.

Musume's blog. She has dolly creations, interviews with sculptors, comparisons, cute photography.

Mia's blog. Interviews with sculptors, comparisons, photography.

Niina's blog. Looks to be mostly her life with some BJD and playline doll intertwined.

A Finnish girl named Yenna's blog. Many gorgeous photos of resin and vinyl BJDs.
- BJD Collectasy - A blog which is mostly a news feed for new releases and sales. Very useful as a record of releases since everything is tagged!
- The Dolly Insider - Run by Kat and Tatyana. They post news, interviews, discussions, sewing blogs, and event photos for more dolls than just BJD.
- Inn of the Wayward Misfits - Alasse's blog with photos and stories of worlds that her dolls inhabit.
- Harts - Havra's collection of photostories. Dollshe, Supia, Impldoll. There's a hidden smut photostory O_O
- Bitty Adventures - Cat's blog of her time with Sansdoll, Scout.
- End of Fate - Tasia Chiba's blog of doll purchases and modifications. Includes doll profiles, a gallery, and stories of the world her dolls inhabit.
- Naomi's Station - Naomi is a faceup artist who will share her tips with you in both English and Vietnamese. She's got some sort of addiction to buying DC Alberta and Amos.
- Celine Citronrouge - French only. Excessively skilled French artist. At least you can enjoy her photos.
- The Ginger Gunslinger - Lucifer's blog of mature doll photos and OC writings. I am definitely glancing at the priest boy, Ted.
- Tales of Gilvenian dolls - Calamitty's new blog with photos of her dolls who live in the fantasy world she calls Gilvenia.
- Small-time Hijinks - Rhian's BJD blog. She has lots of Volks dolls to look at and a few more!
- Miraxedoll - Ellie is a big fan of Asella's dolls and has a few of them. She owns other types of dolls as well.
Archived doll webpages
gone but (not) forgotten
- Armeleialand - The blog of former DoA moderator Armeleia. Possibly current owner. Lots of juicy history lives archived here. Try looking at the tag "DoA Scandals". The site appears to be "hacked" in later archives. A lot of phrases are replaced with stuff about pharmaceuticals and I doubt Armeleia had anything to do with that. My favorite post is Museum of Copies and Inspiration.
- - English and Russian. Disappeared rather recently, but last updated in 2018. Includes dollpa photos! Here is their flickr. Possibly based out of Tennessee.
- elphsnt's My Dolls and Bears - English and Japanese. Japan based collector with many beautiful Volks girls whose names all begin with the letter A. I really did like this site but she seems to have called it quits on blogging.
Inactive doll blogs
definition: hasn't been updated in a year as of 10/11/2022

Roterwolkenvogel's blog. Last updated 2020.
- Amaranth's Castaways - Blog of a former recast supporter with lots of articles on identifying recasts as well as issues with confidence, selling, and consumerism. Last updated 2016.
- Pleiades Room - American faceup artist and photographer with a big focus on Volks and vinyl. Now private, but not deleted.
- Aeryn of things; - Blog of an Australian girl, Hiritai, who had some beautiful boy dolls. The inspiration of many young doll fujoshis. Last updated 2011.
- Raw Resin - Blog of a French customizer, Bluoxyde. She went from customizing BJDs to sculpting her own. Last updated 2016.
- Resin Wonderland - Blog of a Danish collector. Owns BJD and Pureneemo. Her background turns pink as you scroll?! Last updated 2017.
- Resin Wonderland - Blog of a German collector. Some posts are in English, some in German. Last updated 2019.
- Tsukifly - Blog of a doll seamstress. Some updates on her doll designs and other photos of her dolls. Last updated 2019.

Blog of a (hopefully recovered) IRC addict. She has some bluefairies (obviously) and some other minis and tinies. Last updated 2019.
- cian1675 - Singaporean resin boyfriend collector. Her boys are beautiful.
- Dolly Flavour - Newly started blog from Mandeline. She does faceups and sewing. Update: Didn't last long. Already deactivated.
- captured in thought - Christy's very old blog starting in 2005 with a lot of Dollshe boys and more. Images seem to all work!
Japanese Blogs and Websites
- たいたんnoページ - I could but this under photographers, but it's really an event report blog. Hasn't been updated since 2016.
- Pepito - Lots of nendo and Volks doll blogging. Very cute! Has a few beautiful one-off girls.
- nachidiary - Owns the only SD Michele I have ever liked.
- Ma belle lune - Beautiful men in thin lacy gowns.
- orderhouse-M - Sculptor? Photographer? idk I can't read
- Nunodoll - Tutorial on how to make a cute fabric doll! I used this to make Ryan a Takane doll a few years ago. Not BJD related.
- AUC coco girly - Japanese faceup artist. Used to own a bunch of gyaru Unoa girls but mostly posts DDs these days.
- S-Eternal Maiden - Seamstress. Classic web design and image editing.
- kotonokazu - Japanese doll photographer and doll tailor. Beautiful Volks boys! Fujos should check this guy(?) out.
- Madchen Arcadia - Gallery of a Japanese doll photographer. Old Volks girls and Azone.
Korean Blogs and Websites
- Denes - Korean sculptor that has sculpted for many Korean doll companies.
Chinese Blogs and Websites
Including other countries that also use Chinese language I don't believe Taiwan is in China blah blah blah
- Expensive Garbage - The site of a Chinese doll sculptor. Tells the story of her life through 6 dolls she has sculpted. Available in English.
Look no further for mid/late 2000s to early 2010s BJD inspiration!
- illusionwaltz - Dollshe, Zaoll
- Belladonna - Volks, Migidoll, CP
- Hiritai, oki-oki - BL. Volks, CP, Unoa, Zaoll, and more!!!
- dollstars/uling - BL. DOD, SOOM, Crobi, Esthy
- fransyung - BL. DOD, SOOM, Iplehouse, Volks, and MORE
- misrav - Migidoll, Dollshe, Crobi, Esthy
- asainemuri - BL. Unoa, Volks, Migidoll, Fairyland, Crobi
- ShunYuki - Migidoll, Switch, DistantMemory
- Geekisthecolour/dieux-faux - Migidoll, Iplehouse, Unoa, Bimong
- Bluoxyde - Zaoll, Dust of Dolls, Switch, Unoa
- so-fiii - Migidoll, SOOM
- kuroi-carousel - Crobi, Esthy, LUTS, Volks
- Vissepopje - Napidoll, Ninodoll, DOD
- frappzilla/jangopop - BL. Unoa, Migidoll, CP, and more in BRIGHT wigs.
- saikoxix - Migidoll, Iplehouse, Granado, IOS, 5th Motif, Dollshe, SOOM. Really top notch photograchy.
- Pindakees - You really have to scroll down for this one. BL. SOOM, Migi, Unoa, DOD
- Fear-Me-December - Migidoll, Leekeworld, Elfdoll
- LifeWithARedhead - Migidoll, CP
- YukiOokami - CP, DOD, Iplehouse, SOOM
- ticuk - BL. Volks, DOD
- Hisomu - BL. Migidoll, SOOM, Granado
- aPPlejaZZ - BL, photostories. Dollzone, SOOM, Dollshe, Souldoll, Mystic Kids, Switch
- lipslock - BL. Migidoll, SOOM, Switch, CP, DOD, Volks
- Zodake - Thai DD photographer. Owns a doll cafe. Photoshop wizard and Miku fanatic. Before you ask, all the joints are photoshopped out.
- nono nogisaka - Japanese DD photographer. Lots of landscapes with dolls in TOAClaris clothes.
- nisshi - Japanese DD photographer. More pretty girls in landscapes.
- Haze Jin - Owner of Kaleidoll, clothes designer, and faceup artist. Gorgeous DDs and SD girls in mostly modern girly styles.
- Tom Beach - Depression era doll photographer. This dude follows his dreams.
- bottlefairy - Japanese DD photographer. I think this dude owns a lot of Sabers. Like at least 5. Some photos are NSFW.
- manjuu NEW - Japanese DD photographer. Dynamic poses sometimes with weapons. Some photos are NSFW.
- You 索尼大法好 - Chinese doll and owner photos. Very cute! Last updated 2017
- Nadine - goofy facebook meme tier photos of dolls. Somehow very endearing.
- Follow-the-Wind - French customizer who owns some awesome oni dolls
- SaikoXIX - Russian photographer with some migi boys I'm a little obsessed with
- Karen/Hyzenthlay - Classic BJD collection of Migi, old IH, CP. She sews and knits too!! I adore her collection and her taste is perfect.
- Makoto Kojima - many OC boys shelled as Williams. Also a Kiriko and Reisner.
YouTube Channels
- Inari Passenger - Russian girl living in Tokyo. She has some very detailed box openings of Japanese dolls including Volks and Azone.
- Rokuドールch - Sewing and doll crafting videos in Japanese.
- AsenvaBJD - Once famous for JunkySpot Obitsu reviews. Still making videos about having fun with her dolls. She's good at not getting into drama.
- Lomi's Playground - This girl has better sewing techniques than I do. She has patterns available for most if not all of her sewing tutorials. She seems to have a lot of fun customizing her dolls!
- Shoutan - Ya'll are gonna have to explain this one to me. Man feeds doll? Hires voice actress for doll? Why does he have fried chicken so close to her face.
- Anemoia Dolls - Finnish collector who goes a little nuts with her custom outfits. Her dolls definitely feel spoiled!!
- Mina & Tachibana - Two best friends from Hong Kong. If you want to watch 2 girls open some stupidly expensive dolls and outfits, check these girls out. They are friend goals. Many of their BJD videos have English subs.
- 夜貓蜜語Cat in the midnight club - Two collectors from Hong Kong who are a space bunny and cat. Some videos have English subs!
- _S魚魚 sfishfish_ - Doll photographer from Hong Kong who has a few unboxing videos for dolls but a lot of unboxing videos for beautiful outfits. She obviously loves her MNF Rin very much. Many of her videos have English subs! My favorite is the video where she opens a doll in the park so her mom won't see. I can't wait to get that unhinged!
- Melara BJD Studio - Doll collector from China(?) that collects mostly 1/6 scale mature BJDs and does box opening for their outfits. I don't think any of her videos have English subs.
- 用艺原创工坊 - Chinese(?) collector that has a lot of dolls that don't fit my tastes. No videos have English subs.
- 바카라 피그C - Chinese(?) face up artist. Also does faceups on silicone sex dolls. Also a sculptor? No English subs.
- 파워볼 파이리 에스 - Singapore photographer. There's a lot of puppy videos that I can't tell are savory to an American audience. Makes resin eyes. Friends with sfishfish? No English subs.
- ssgm82 - Japanese faceup artist. Uploads faceup logs for DD mostly.
- SFSakana - Singaporean DD photographer.
- cian1675 - Singaporean resin boyfriend collector. Videos in English.
Twitter users
- C's Studio Catch - Japanese customizer with some beautiful Volks repaints. Her F-87 boy is a looker!!
- JirA - Japanese customizer who does some natural/sickly looking faceups. Highly textured!
- Chii - Japanese photographer who I believe also is a faceup artist and seamstress. Owns 2 (two) Lunas among other dolls.
- Lemulia - Japanese seamstress. Incredibly fluffy lacy dresses! Owns two Lieselottes. Isn't great at photography but makes up for it in insane dresses.
- Roja Dean - Korean faceup artist. Extremely detailed. Expect to see many handsome boys. Also has a Youtube channel with subs in English and Japanese (on most).
- Johnny Director - Japanese cowboy doll photographer.
- Garasu - Tasteful nudity warning. beautiful dolls in a beautiful set. everything is so detailed and gorgeous. men are in dresses. Very dreamy. owns a crobi sleeping lance, switch soseo, 2 sdgr kasumi, and 2 f-40s
- Iretaro - Non-stop self portaits of a girl with her AP doll.
- Kim - Korean girl. I get the feeling she has a lot of money. Mature, sexy, or detailed describes a lot of her photos. Somehow finds HUGE nail hands. Has a Mytyl, Suigintou, F-63, Jun Tachibana + more.
- Akae - Japanese photographer with many gorgeous Volks girls in frilly detailed dresses.
- 응공 - Korean collector. Owns dolls of Scott (SDGou Alain) and Zelda (SD17 Kai) Fitzgerald. The twist: Zelda is a man and Scott is the prince of Wales. Recreates a lot of cinematography stills with her dolls. Has yearly weddings for her boys. If you see this, please invite me next year.
- Narupajin - Owner of the strangest Miku dollfie. She really loves Miku.
- NayeONE - Creator of an OC named Noah. She has shelled Noah in about 30 doll forms. It's insane. Here's a video interview with her.
- ミツ - World's biggest McDonald's Chicken Tatsuta fan. May post dolls in chicken tatsuta off season.
Photos on social media
Some Japanese hashtags and my attempt at translation. I don't speak any Japanese btw. Try searching on Flickr, Twitter, and Instagram. Many dealers and artists also have their own hashtag that buyers will post under. Many Super Dollfie sculpts also have their own hashtag such as #SD_f_63 or #SD63番 (numbered sculpts) or #SDリズ (sculpts with names). There's a few variations on the format though.
secret links i use to look at cute doll on twitter
no really i just dont want to track down the characters on my phone. these links are all 100% catered to my tastes. i think i broke the links sorry