Head: BlueFairy Shiny Fairy Hana 1.0 NS
Body: Shiny Fairy boy (2010)
Faceup: squishtaru (2009?)
Arrival: 7/21/2012
Hana is the tiny sized version of TF Sarang. I loved Sochi's face so much I bought another smaller one.
At PNW BBQ Expo, Bluefairy was a vendor. The man working at the booth confirmed to us that both my friend's and my Hana were the first version, and that Hana 1.0 looked the most like Sarang ;D
He wears Leekeworld "ear of bunny" in WS.
My bunny son has been completed for a while. I like him a lot more now. I take him out and have him sit around with his cute little ears on. I still don't like him as much as I do my big dolls, but he is cute and I like having him around.
Another tiny.... Another... This one doesn't even have a gallery!!! He finally got a name in 2022. I wasn't sure at all where I wanted to take this doll. I didn't really want a boy, but his "manhood" could be hidden so easily.
After watching Furuba earlier this year, I got a little (just a little) obsessed with the idea of having a son that turns into a bunny when hugged. I decided to draw him as my bunny son, which was cute but he should have been SD10B!! Can I get a reshell as a Miley on an SD10B body?? No?? I still haven't started his bunny son outfit but maybe we'll see him done in 2025.
These are the least flexible wrist joints I have ever seen in my life. It almost feels like Volks hands without the one-touch system or a wrist ball at all.
I bought a blank SF Hana girl from DoA user Pomegranate, who was the first owner. Upon wrapping her up, she noticed the body was a boy body instead and asked me if I still wanted it. I can't blame her for noticing because I couldn't tell in the nude sale photos. I took her offer of $50 off. I gave the doll a faceup that wasn't awesome.
My friend Rei also had a SF Hana. Her girl Hana was originally purchased by Squishtaru, who did her faceup. In July 2010, GoroChaggi bought her. In November 2010, Rei traded for her. Rei wanted a more natural faceup, so offered to trade me heads, which I took her offer on. She later offered to trade me for the girl body, but I declined.
I paid $100 + shipping for Grassy.
I have the original box, but the box was used as the shipping box and was damaged in transit and by tape removal.