Head: Azone KIKIPOP! Munyukuchi
I discovered Kiki in 2011. KJ lovers know that prior to KJ opening their Etsy store, a Kiki would set you back at least $1000 USD, if you were lucky enough to find one. You can imagine everyone's shock when Azone's HELLO KIKIPOP! was announced. I wasn't able to afford the first release at the time, but more releases came.
I asked my mother for Kikipop 2nd for my combined birthday and Christmas gift in 2015 and surprisingly, she agreed. I had trouble deciding between Caramel Brown and Milky Blonde because my ideal is pink and blonde. I chose Carmel Brown and I'm glad I did, because I wasn't impressed with the wig quality and replaced it anyway.
She was one of the two dolls I kept while living in a college dorm. I can't recommend bringing your dolls to college though!
I like that she can just chill out in the sunlight but I haven't touched her much since getting Praline. I would never have gotten her if I had known it would be possible for me to own a resin Kiki in my lifetime.
One of her hands came with yellow discoloration. It's not super obvious, but HobbySearch would only give me 1000 yen in credit for it. I would much rather have just had a good hand!
The Kikipop body is very stiff. She can stand very well, but there is no floppiness of a BJD other than in her neck which will flop.
Her hand pegs have become loose over the years. Her hands no longer stay on well. It's my opinion that the joint in the neck is very unattractive.
The clothes that came with her were well made, but her wig feels incredibly cheap. The wigs I have on her are almost never the default.
She was ordered from Hobby Search on December 8, 2015. She cost $240.35 USD/28,800 JPY after shipping.